3CP Christmas Party

Kay, our Director of Administration, reads the Christmas story

Fantastic volunteers from Rentenbach Constructors brought dinner

Some of our cute kiddos taking their picture with Santa

Can't say we don't have the cutest kids!
Announcing the Opening of the CAN Christmas Store!
Merry Christmas everyone! We at Cornerstone are excited about the possibilities this Christmas season brings. Our "Adopt-a-Kid" Program is in full swing, and our hope is to have gifts for all our children by the time Santa comes calling. If you'd like to donate, give us a call!
CAN Christmas Store Opening Just Days Away!
Elsewhere at Cornerstone, our Christmas Store is just days away from opening. Opening Thursday December 10 at 10 a.m., our store has everything from toys for children (ages 3 and up) to a variety of Christmas items you can use as gifts for your loved ones.
The Christmas Sale is this Thurs.-Sat. Dec. 10-12, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Come and see what Christmas "treasures" we have in store for you!
We Need Volunteers!
In preparation for the Christmas Sale, we need help sorting and pricing all of the items to be put on sale. If you'd like to lend a hand, call Kristen Horton, Director of Workforce Development, at (817) 632-6022.
CAN "Adopt-a-Kid" Program Kicks Off the Christmas Season
Dear Cornerstone Partners,
This year we are combining efforts between 3CP’s “Adopt-a-Kid-for-Christmas” and the Community Center’s Christmas “Adopt-a-Family” program to provide Christmas gifts to children in our programs and local community children we are hoping to build relationships with.
Last Christmas, Cornerstone donors provided gifts for about 200 children, who otherwise would not have received gifts. Since the parents of our sponsor children are not financially able to provide them with much of a Christmas, they are overwhelmingly grateful when they come into Cornerstone to pick up their children's gifts. The blessings bestowed on them through the generosity of others invoke laughter, tears and many hallelujahs!
If you and/or your organization, small group, co-workers, neighbors, etc. would like to participate in this year’s annual Adopt-a-Child-for-Ch
Option #1
Sponsor a child by donating $100 to Cornerstone Assistance Network.
All money is due by December 7, 2009 and should be mailed to our CAN office at 3500 Noble Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76111.
Option #2
Come to our office after Thanksgiving to pick up a child’s wish list from the Cornerstone Christmas Tree or call to have one sent to go shop for the gifts.
Gifts should be delivered on or by December 14th, to the above address.
Interested in participating or have questions? Call Melissa Hatcher at 817-632-6000 ext. 116 or email mghatcher@canetwork.org. We look forward to partnering with you to make Christmas merry for our clients and their children.
3CP Housing Clients Attend Saving Money Workshop
Over the weekend our housing clients attended a quarterly life skills and training workshop.
Featured classes included how to cook cheap and family friendly recipes, budgeting, how organize their homes to save money and even how to make soap. These workshops are especially important during the holiday season, when it is easy to overspend.
Perhaps the most creative tidbit our clients received was a recipe for homemade soap. Cheaper than buying Tide at the grocery store, the recipe is simple and just as effective. If you'd like the recipe, contact VISTA Leader Cassandra Robin at crobin@canetwork.org
Like most events Cornerstone does, it would not have been a success without the gracious help of volunteers, who donated their time to watch over our client's children.
We at Cornerstone hope that our clients take what they learn in these workshops and use it to improve their finances, their homes and their families. It's our goal that each of our clients leave Cornerstone standing on their own two feet, completely self-sufficient. These workshops are just another step in the process.
GED, ELS, and Piano Classes a First Step to Independence
Those we serve have the opportunity to participate in job training, GED tutoring, English as a second language (ESL) classes, and piano classes. These classes are offered to our clients as a first step toward self-sufficiency.
GED Tutoring for Adults
Subjects taught in our GED classes vary depending on the needs of our participants. Our classes are staffed mostly by volunteers, either with a heart to serve or a teaching background. Participants in the GED program are paired with tutors to guide and offer encouragement throughout the process. Armed with their GED, our graduates are more marketable in the job field and may even choose to pursue a college degree.
Get Involved
If you would like to participate in one of these programs or give someone a hand up by teaching a class, please contact our Director of Volunteers, Kristen Horton today!
FORE!!!! 15th Annual Golf Marathon Raises $41,600
Rain or Shine
As any golfer worth his clubs will tell you, a little rain and cloudy weather isn't enough to keep them from playing. A total of 12 teams competed in the event, raising $41,600 for Cornerstone. To the Victor go the Spoils
For the second consecutive year, Jay Bruner's team took home the first place trophy and gift certificate to Diamond Oaks C.C.A BIG Thank You!
We'd like to take a minute to thank our sponsors for the event and all the people who pledged money toward a player. In the Golf Marathon's 15 year history, it has proven to be a fun event that has raised thousands for Cornerstone's various programs and ministries. This is a tribute to the generosity of our donors and the grace of God.
Open House Events Begin Tonight

The staff is busy with the last-minute preparations for our Open House. We are excited about the opportunity to share our ministry with our volunteers and donors as well as the community as a whole.
Tonight's Open House - 6:30-9 P.M.
Tonight's Open House is for our board members. A presentation and tour is planned. It will be exciting to share with our board all that is happening with Cornerstone. We are blessed with a new facility and are excited to be able to show our new facility to our friends and supporters.
"A Taste of Cornerstone"- October 9, 2009 6:30-9 P.M.
This event is especially for our volunteers and donors, without whom this ministry would not be possible. To say thank you for your support, we have a presentation and live band for you as well as free food and tours of the new facility.
This will be a fun and exciting event. If you have not already called to RSVP and would like to come, call Carolyn Ayres at (817) 632-6015 to confirm your reservation.
CAN Neighborhood Carnival - October 10, 2009 11 A.M.-4 P.M.
This event is a chance for the surrounding community to get a chance to learn about Cornerstone and have some fun at the same time.
Activities include: free food, live music, a bounce house, games, face painting, balloons.... even a clown. We will have information booths so you can learn about the different programs and services Cornerstone offers.
This event will be fun for the whole family, so we hope to see you.
As we are busy making our last-minute preparations we also want to take a minute to give thanks. We thank God for all He has done for Cornerstone so far, and pray that he blesses both these events and our ministry as a whole in the coming days. Praise God.
Your Invited to the: RJM Conference!

Host: | True Vine Baptist Chruch - Restorative Justice Ministries |
Type: | |
Network: | Global |
Start Time: | Friday, March 5, 2010 at 5:00pm |
End Time: | Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 3:00pm |
Location: | True Vine Baptist Church |
Street: | 3732 Miller Ave. |
City/Town: | Fort Worth, TX |
Phone: | 8176326000 |
Email: |
We are in early planning with this one or two day workshop. Ministries in and around Fort Worth, Azle, Kennedale, Arlington, Benbrook, Haltom City, Keller, Grapevine, Hurst, Eluess, Bedford, Saginaw and other cities in Tarrant County will meet and discuss the needs of returning incarcerated men and women. The opening topic includes Mentoring, Case workers, Social and Physical needs. We invite ALL interested to respond. Churches, para-churches, city, county and federal government, individuals.
"The King will answer, 'Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.'" Matthew 25:40 (CEV)
For more info visit Welcome Back Tarrant County on: www.facebook.com !
Or, if you have any questions, just e-mail us at welcomebacktarrantcounty@gmail.com !
Welcome Back Tarrant County Wants To Help You!

As a part of The Cornerstone Assistance Network, Welcome Back Tarrant County is always trying to help out the surrounding community. If you are an ex-offender on parole in Tarrant County, and you would like our help, then it is easy to apply for our mentored assistance program!
Just fill out the forms below and either fax them to The Cornerstone Assistance Network at: (817)-632-6001
Or, print them off and bring them in personally to The Cornerstone Assistance Network at 3500 Noble Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, 76111.
We are always looking to help others, and are ready for you to walk in any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday!
Here are the forms!
(requires Adobe Acrobat to veiw and/or download)
Mentoree Application
Release of Liability
Welcome Back Tarrant County Needs Mentors!

That's right! You read it here! Welcome Back Tarrant County needs Mentors!
To be a mentor, all you have to do is fill out the following forms (see below) and either fax them to The Cornerstone assistance network at (817)-632-6001, or print them off and walk in with them to turn them in, in person on any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday.
Here at Welcome Back Tarrant County, we constantly need more volunteers and mentors to help out in the surrounding community. Any help that could be provided would be greatly appreciated. We are also accepting in-kind donations such as food and clothing, but they must be turned in at The Cornerstone Assistance Network headquarters at 3500 Noble Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, 76111.
Here are the application forms for Welcome Back Tarrant County:
(requires adobe acrobat to view and open)
Mentor Application
Mentor Application Reference Form
Release of Liability
Former Client Shares Her Story with Video Testimonial
In the coming days, we will be turning the footage in to promotional material for Cornerstone's various programs, but we thought we would share the story of one of our clients with you in advance.
Anita Morgan
Anita was formerly incarcerated. Caught up in a life of drugs, she came to Cornerstone for help and went through the Christian Women's Job Corp program.
Designed to connect women to jobs and teach women life skills about how to succeed in the workplace, Christian Women's Job Corps exists to help women like Anita improve themselves so they can get a job or go to school upon graduation.
And that's just what Anita has done.
After graduating from the CWJC, Anita enrolled in Tarrant County Junior College and stared taking classes. With plans to graduate soon, she has confidence in herself that the she didn't have prior to coming to Cornerstone.
Anita is a Powerful Witness
Anita's story is like many who come to Cornerstone. We are blessed to help people everyday see the potential within themselves. Anita's story is a powerful witness for the healing power of Jesus Christ. Like many of our clients, Anita wanted to change. God surrounded her with a new support system she uses daily to recover and set her on the right path.
Cornerstone Office Olympics
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Supportive Housing
Cornerstone Housing Programs include the New Life Center, Trinity Place, and Cornerstone Comprehensive Care Program (3CP).
New Life Center
1628 Sixth Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas
There is no question that the New Life Center is making a difference in the lives of the men it serves. Approximately ninety percent of NLC residents have a history of substance abuse and about half a criminal background. Despite these seemingly overwhelming statistics, 73% of our current residents have been sober for over a year- and several residents more than ten years! Most exciting in our eyes, we have several residents receive Christ every year! God is good and we are blessed to be a part of the work He is doing at the New Life Center.
Trinity Place
824 Samuels Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas
Cornerstone's Trinity Place program offers housing and after-care services to men transitioning from the New Life Center into their own home or apartment. All housing clients receive intensive case management to increase the rate of success.
The Cornerstone Comprehensive Care Program (3CP) has been serving the homeless of Tarrant County since 1997. 3CP provides opportunities for homeless families to become successfully self-sufficient by providing intensive case management services and housing. During a family's time in our transitional housing program, they not only work on increasing their earning potential through additional education and better employment, but are also encouraged to become more emotionally healthy and pursue a new or deeper relationship with Christ.
For questions about the Housing Development Corporation, the New Life Center, or Trinity Place, please contact Philip Posey, Director of Housing/Housing Development Corporation.
For questions about Cornerstone's 3CP Housing, please contact Taryn Freeze, Director of Supportive Services.
DOVIA Luncheon Provides Cornerstone with Networking Opportunties

The old saying "It's not what you know, it's who you know" really is true, especially when it comes to non-profits. Yesterday Directors of Volunteers in Agencies Tarrant County (DOVIA) held its monthly luncheon, proving an opportunity for training and networking for area non-profits, including Cornerstone.
What is DOVIA?
DOVIA's purpose is to promote volunteer management as a profession and provide volunteer management training. Just as well, they also strive to promote volunteerism in the Tarrant County area.
The Benefits of Membership
The benefits of membership in this type of organization for Cornerstone are quite clear. By networking with other non-profits in the area, Cornerstone can establish connections with like-minded organizations who can provide support, training and resources.
Likewise, DOVIA is an excellent resource to market current events happening at Cornerstone. By letting other members of the community know about current events at Cornerstone, we have another way to connect with the community and meet the needs of our clients.
Preparing for TCU Volunteer Fair Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Cornerstone will have the privilege of attending a Volunteer Fair at TCU. Hosted by the Center for Community Involvement and Service-Learning, the Volunteer Fair is designed to encourage students to play an active part in their community.
Why TCU?
TCU students have always been active in the Tarrant County area. In part, this is because of the variety of service-learning courses TCU offers. Service-learning courses have a community service component built in the curriculum. This service usually takes the place of a 10-page paper or semester exam.
Another reason TCU students are active in the community is fraternity and sorority requirements. Service hours are usually required as part of fraternity and sorority by-laws.
Beyond that however, TCU students and college students in general have a history of being active in their communities because they want to be, not because they are required to serve. Service is by its very definition voluntary.
Why Cornerstone is a good fit for TCU students (or any college student)
Since its inception in 1992, Cornerstone's mission has been to meet the needs and improve the lives of others. At Cornerstone, we believe this mission will resonate with today's college student. We offer a variety of ways a student can use his/her talents to better the lives of the homeless in Tarrant County so that they enjoy the experience and learn something new at the same time.
Looking for a Place to Volunteer?
If you are looking for a place to volunteer where your work will be meaningful and your efforts will directly impact someone's life, contact us today! Come take a tour and experience this ministry for yourself.
Where can you see yourself at Cornerstone?
Workforce Development Clients Get a Lesson in Financial Management

Cornerstone's Workforce Development clients are learning to budget, track their spending and stay out of debt in a new course called "Managing Your Money."
The purpose of the course is to help clients of Cornerstone's Workforce Development program establish good financial habits as they enter the workforce and gain independence, some for the very first time.
The course covers the five steps financial awareness:
- Be aware of what you spend and earn.
- Build Good credit.
- Avoid debt.
- Spend your money wisely.
- Save for the future.
Each of these steps is further broken down in to a step-by-step, easy to follow guide for the beginner to help those just starting to learn how to manage their finances. Because this task can be difficult for even those with advanced degrees, the step-by-step, common sense approach to money management helps clients see money as an asset that can work in their favor, instead of something to be worried about all the time.
The course offers several practical steps for budgeting including the envelope system and using a software program like Microsoft Excel or Quicken. However you do it, keeping track of what you spend and earn is vitally important.
For those with debt issues, there are a few practical tips to pay down that high-interest credit card or student loan, such as paying your bills on time, paying more the minimum balance and avoiding carrying credit cards to eliminate impulse buying.
Cornerstone is proud of the fact that we are a Christian ministry. So as part of this course, the importance of tithing is stressed, because the money is God's anyway.
"Bring the whole tithe in to the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. "Test me this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."- Micah 3:10
If we have the faith to give to God what is God's, he will bless us 10-fold.
Cornerstone is on Idealist!
Recently, Cornerstone established a presence on Idealist, a social network for people with a passion for service.
What is Idealist?
Idealist serves several functions for both organizations and individuals. Mainly, it is a resource that connects people with a passion for service. Below are some of the things you can do with a profile on Idealist:
For Individuals:
It is a social network. Idealist gives people with a passion for service a place to connect and exchange ideas.
Find volunteer opportunities. Do you have a cause you care about? Do you love volunteering? Idealist can help you connect with organizations looking for volunteers with your specific talents.
Find job opportunities. This is perhaps my favorite part of Idealist. If you have a passion you can turn it in to a career. You don't have to spend your life working at a job you hate!
For Companies/Organizations/Non-Profits:
Post volunteer/job opportunities. By being a member of Idealist non-profits can post their job openings and volunteer opportunities. Because everyone on Idealist has a passion for service, this is as targeted as advertising gets.
Advertise your organization's events. Do you have an upcoming event or fundraiser? By being a member of Idealist, you can get exposure for your organization and increase your chances of success.
Final Thoughts:
Idealist is a great place to connect with other people that have a passion for service. If you haven't checked it out, view this video below:
What is AmeriCorps VISTA?

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy envisioned a national service organization dedicated to help provide urgently needed services in rural and urban poverty areas.
What is Christian Women's Job Corps?

Cornerstone Christian Women's Job Corps is a ministry that seeks to equip women in need for life and employment. This is accomplished through job skills and readiness training combined with individual mentoring relationships.
Christian Women's Job Corps is open to any woman 18 or older, regardless of her religious background or ethnicity, who seeks the necessary skills and encouragement to achieve success in self-sufficiency.
CCWJC students learn:
- Tools for life
- Reading and writing
- Math and money management
- Typing and computer basics
- Zestful living
- Getting along
- Communication and public speaking
- Career preparation
- Resume writing
- Dress for success
- Daily Bible study
- Network with successful women for job leads!
- Benefit from personal mentoring!
- Earn vouchers to shop in the Cornerstone Career Boutique!
- Update their resume and practice interviewing!
- Gain self-confidence!
Interested in helping or know someone who could use a hand up?
Winter 2010 classes will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from October 25th through December 1st.
To learn more about CCWJC, visit us on Facebook or the CCWJC website.

Workforce Development
Beginning with job readiness programs provided by the Cornerstone Christian Women's Job Corps, Workforce Development seeks to assist participants through the entire process of seeking, identifying, obtaining, and retaining a job in their chosen field. We also strive to connect job seekers with employers who work to facilitate retention and career opportunities for our participants.
A new and exciting component of this division is Cornerstone's Food Services and Hospitality Training Program. As part of the community meeting room in the main building, this program will offer participants a hands-on training site in Cornerstone's Creation Restaurant. Upon completion, lunch for 50-75 people can be served daily. It is anticipated that the restaurant will, when fully equipped, allow for 50 pallets of frozen meat and food to be kept for food service programs.
Life Skills and Job Readiness Training through CCWJC
Within Workforce Development, Cornerstone Christian Women's Job Corps offers a variety of training opportunities and workshops to teach participants life skills and get them ready for employment.
Workshops include:
- Business Etiquette
- Resume Writing
- Dressing for Success
- Organizing Your Job Search
- Tools for Life
- Personal Decision Making
- Tips for a Successful Interview
- Money Management
- Typing
- Computer Basics
Participant Qualifications
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Possess the desire to become financially, emotionally, and spiritually stable
- Have a willingness to do what it takes to realize the changes in your life
Interested in Helping?
Please contact Janet Powers at 817.632.6015 or ccwjc@canetwork.org today!
The Star-Telegram Visits Cornerstone!

Media coverage is sometimes a big struggle for non-profits. Today we were blessed to be covered by a Fort Worth Star-Telegram reporter.
Writing about how difficult it is for ex-offenders to find work upon re-entry, Scott Nishimura, the Business Editor for the Star-Telegram, visited both Welcome Back and Cornerstone's headquarters. While at Welcome Back he got the opportunity to hear six ex-offenders share their testimonies about how God has changed their lives since they have left prison, turning their back on prison life forever.
While at Welcome Back's weekly meeting with Tarrant County ex-offenders, we also were able to shoot video that we will use to create a Youtube channel in the coming days. This gives us another avenue to keep you updated on the latest news here at Cornerstone and allows us to reach more people.
What's Next at Cornerstone?
Cornerstone Open House Events (Oct. 8-10)
These events are a chance for donors, volunteers and the general public to get acquainted with our new facility for the first time and learn more about our ministry. Complete with food, games and music we want to give you a taste of Cornerstone and get you as excited about the ministry as we are.
More details to come.
Annual Golf Marathon (Oct. 12)
Do you like golf? Know someone that does? Then play in our annual "golf marathon" or sponsor a golfer. Money goes to support Cornerstone programs and initiatives.
Want to Know More?
If you want to find out more about our ministry, come take a tour of brand new facility! Where can you see yourself at Cornerstone?
Mission and Purpose

Welcome Back/Tarrant County offers an opportunity to change to all those being released from Texas Department of Corrections. We give that "first cup of water" to the returning citizen. We offer hope to believe that they can change, and the possibility of a life differnt than before incarceration.
We help direct our clients to employment, counseling and housing services and most importantly... to a church home. We network with groups, angencies and churches to help with these immediate needs as well as deeper spiritual issues as well.
Cornerstone Reentry Programs

For more information about WelcomeBack/Tarrant County, please contact Jerry Cabluck.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
2 Corinthians 5:17
New Creations is dedicated to serving women releasing from Dawson State Jail to Tarrant County. We believe that life change comes through relationships and New Creations is committed to providing mentor relationships and support to these women.
New Creations participants will meet with a mentor in prison for 6 months and walk with the mentor at least 12 months after release. The woman will also take life skill classes and have a New Creations case manager who will assist with housing, educational planning, financial planning, mental health and substance abuse issues while offering ministry support to the New Creations participant's family.
What is Reentry Mentoring?
Reentry Mentoring involves developing a relationship while incarcerated and continuing the relationship after release for one year.
Why Reentry Mentoring?
Independent research of faith-based prison programs conducted by Byron Johnson (ISR Research Report) indicates that "continued pre- and post-release mentoring is central to both the offender's spiritual transformation and rehabilitation." Johnson also stated that, "mentor contact is associated with lower rates of recidivism."
Did You Know?
- 97% of Texas inmates will be releasing to communities throughout Texas.
- Women are the fastest growing segment of the prison population. This rise is primarily due to mandatory sentencing for drug offenses.
- Women are almost twice as likely as men to be back behind bars within a year after release, typically due to drug-related or property offense driven by addiction.
For more information on New Creations or being a mentor:
Kelly Purselley, Reentry Services Director
Cheryl Campbell, Reentry Mentor Coordinator
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00
Treating the Whole Person

Recently I had an opportunity to visit two local non-profits, Mission Arlington and Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
The goal of the visits was to learn more about their volunteer programs so that Cornerstone can develop a comprehensive volunteer management document.

Union Gospel Mission, founded in 1988, serves the homeless through daily chapel services, community meal and assistance programs, food and shelter for homeless men, women and children, as well as spiritual development for all their residents.
Like Cornerstone, Union Gospel Mission is a holisitic ministry, working to treat the whole person, not just immediate physical needs.
Mission Arlington was founded on the idea that we should treat the areas we live just like the international mission field. Mission Arlington has set up bible studies in local communities all over Arlington. In addition to meeting the spiritual needs, they also meet physical needs as well. Their services include a dental clinic, food pantry, educational classes, job and transportation assistance. The goal is to meet immediate needs and plant seeds for Chirist.

Mission Arlington has developed a large "word-of-mouth" following among Arlington residents, so they don't do any active recruiting or advertising for their volunteers instead reyling on God to bring volunteers to them. Sounds like a pretty good approach to me. :)
I enjoyed experiencing both ministries. It is nice to learn from ministries with like-minded missions. Cornerstone's goal is to have the most comprehensive volunteer program, so working with other non-profits only makes that process easier.
Volunteer DFW

Trinity Habitat for Humanity builds affordable housing in Johnson, Parker, Wise and Tarrant County. Founded in 1989 as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, Trinity Habitat for Humanity ranks in the top 20 affiliates in the U.S. in home production, thanks to it's dedicated volunteer base. Clients of Habitat for Humanity help build their homes alongside volunteers, putting in "sweat equity" hours to help pay for their new home.

Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County was established in 1888 and like Cornerstone is a very holistic ministry. Housing 325 men and women daily, the Mission is dedicated to providing a new beginning for the homeless. Union Gospel Mission offers a variety of services that meet basic needs and allow homeless men and women to improve their own lives and grow spiritually in Christ.
"Will You Not Be Aware of It?"

In Isaiah 43:19, the LORD says, “Behold, I will
do something new. Now it will spring
forth; will you not be aware of it? I will
even make a roadway in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert.”
I think my favorite part of that verse is the question,
“Will you not be aware of it?” So often in our lives, we
miss the excitement of the new things God is doing all
around us because we take our eyes off of Him, fixing
them instead on all of the wilderness and deserts yet to
be conquered.
This is definitely a season of new things at
Cornerstone, including our newest division, Workforce
Development. Building on the foundation of our
Christian Women’s Job Corps job readiness programs,
we are ready to begin expanding services into job
training programs and eventually job placement
opportunities for our clients. I like to tell people that
my job at Cornerstone is to connect people to jobs.
As you might imagine, that’s no small task in this
economy, but we are all so excited about the potential
for using every part of this new building as a training
facility for jobs in everything from healthcare (medical
clinic) to retail (resale shop) and logistics (warehouse)
to hospitality (kitchen).
One of the first verses I always share with our clients
is I Corinthians 15:57, “Thanks be to God who
gives us victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ,” because if I did not truly believe that we
served a way-making God capable of seeing each of
them through to victory over the wilderness and
deserts in their lives, I couldn’t continue to do this
work. But, it is such a delight to introduce so many
of them to a fresh awareness of who God is and the
new things He wants to accomplish in them and
through them.
I think our volunteers experience it, too, as
they walk alongside our clients on that journey.
As I recently told a tour group, if you have got a
desire to serve the Lord by serving others in need,
Cornerstone has a desire to help make that happen!
Are you a business owner or hiring manager? Come
talk to our clients about what you are looking for in
an employee, or help us develop a plan for training
and screening potential employees for you. Are
you a stay at home mom? Come talk to our ladies
about life skills that help make you and your family
happier and healthier. Did you start at the bottom
and work your way up in your career field? Come
talk to our clients about that process; encourage
them about the benefits of developing a strong
work ethic. Join our prayer team to receive regular
updates about our clients and how you can pray
specifically for the needs of this ministry.
A.W. Tozer said, “If we surrender our hearts to
God we may expect a wondrous enlargement.”
Offering to Him all that we are, to be used however
He sees fit, is an investment opportunity with
immeasurable returns.
Partnership in the Gospel
At one point, one of our NLC residents needed a new drug treatment facility. I contacted Larry Randall, the counselor on staff at Birchman Baptist Church, and he referred me to Hugh Huber with Kingdom Authority Ministries.
Larry and Hugh “coincidentally” met on a plane ride on the way back to Fort Worth from a biblical counseling conference in Indiana several months ago. I was just amazed how the Lord then made the connection for what our resident needed at just the right time. We do serve an on-time God! Since that time, two of our residents have begun a restoration and change process with the help of Kingdom Authority Ministries.
Hugh and his wife founded Kingdom Authority Ministries on their ranch in Waxahachie several years ago. Their desire is to make an investment in the lives of broken men through intensive discipleship. For the residents of the New Life Center who have relapsed, it gives them an opportunity to receive treatment in a facility where the primary emphasis is the teaching of God’s Word. When Hugh and I last visited over the phone, we talked about how we were so thankful that we could partner together in the gospel. As Paul writes to the Philippians: “I thank my God in every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil 1:3-5)
NLC has also had a unique opportunity to partner with a local ministry, Remedy for This Heart, whose strategy is to befriend a formerly homeless man and begin to connect him with lasting solutions. This organization, founded by Trevor DeVage, has been touring the country raising awareness about the needs of the poor. During that time, they befriended Kyle Frey, who at that time was homeless, and began connecting him with lasting solutions. They first brought Kyle tothe New Life Center in April for an intake interview. Today, Kyle is ready for college beginning this fall and will be entering the New Life Center as one of our residents. Trevor and his team are but one example of what mentoring relationships look like at the New Life Center. The success of NLC’s mentoring program will be due in large measure to our mentors: godly men who sense a call from God to invest in other men. If you sense the call to be a mentor, or know someone who might, please send me an e-mail at mboerger@canetwork.org.
Giving With a Purpose

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is
prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
Romans 12:6-8
New Opportunities!
Each new day is one of excitement at
Cornerstone Assistance Network. Have you
ever heard “a picture is worth a thousand
words”? Of course you have, and it is a very true
statement. In June, seven tours were conducted
giving a total of 58 people an opportunity to see
and experience the Cornerstone vision. All 58
individuals had their eyes opened and some were
even moved to tears. New network partnerships
are being solidified and new volunteers are
pouring in to lend a hand. We are very much
looking forward to the official Cornerstone
Open House slated for October 9-10, 2009. Put
it on your calendar.
Cornerstone offers rewarding volunteer
opportunities to help enrich the lives of people
in need. By volunteering your time and talents,
you can enrich the lives of people in your
community and help them be what God has
called them to be, live more independent lives
and learn that other people care about them.
I promise that your caring efforts will bring
spiritual satisfaction and emotional peace by just
knowing that you are making a difference and
being faithful to what God tells us in scripture.
Churches, organizations and individuals are the main
ingredients that God is using to make a difference
in the lives of the homeless and those living below
the poverty guidelines. If not for each of you and
your commitment to reach outside the walls of your
church, work place or home, many of our clients
would not receive the help they need. You are making
a difference!
If you are looking for a place to use your gifts and
talents, call me for a tour of this awesome ministry that
God has provided to the people in need throughout
Tarrant County.
Some of the areas of need include:
Special Events
• Open House in October, committee
members needed
• Golf Marathon in October, sponsors,
golfers, committee members needed
• Thanksgiving & Christmas adoption of families
• Men and women in the Cornerstone
Housing and Job Readiness programs
• Keyboarding, Basic Computer, Software
GED, ESL, Afterschool tutors
for elementary children
Warehouse/ Resource Network
• Organization and sorting
Medical Clinics and Screenings
• Doctors, Nurses and Students
New Opportunities

Secondly, we appreciate you who thanked us for the SEED letter. Responses ranged from “I really enjoyed the letter and the fact that you did not ask for more money”, to “May I share this letter with some of my co-workers in order to make them aware of what God is doing through Cornerstone?” We are working hard to keep you informed of the many miracles we are privileged to see every day.
God is giving us new opportunities to serve Him. We have created a Workforce Development Division to better serve our clients seeking jobs. Kristen Horton has been promoted to Director of Workforce Development. She will be opening new job training and placement opportunities with the Healthcare, Retail, Food Service, and Logistic sectors of our economy. Christian Women’s Job Corp still remains a vital part of the workforce process and should grow as a result of the creation of this division.
Prayfully, by the time you read this, our new Housing Development Corporation will be remodeling homes and selling them to those in our community that are at 80% of Area Median Income or less. We are really excited about this new opportunity. Stable housing is critical to the success of families and economies. Imagine not knowing if you will have housing next month. Imagine not being able to plan your future because you never know what your landlord will do. This housing stabilization program will give participants the freedom to plan their future and make plans for better jobs and other opportunities.
There are many opportunities available at our new location. I hope you will seek out where God would have you serve, and if it is at Cornerstone, join us in sharing His love with others.
Other Online Resources!

The Inner Change Freedom Initiative at
Restorative Justice Online at
Prison Fellowship at
Prison Fellowship International at
Live Blog from WillowCreek Leadership Summit 2009

Today was the first of two days at the WillowCreek Leadership Summit 2009. They mentioned at the start of the morning that it would be like trying to take a drink from a fire hydrant, and they weren't kidding. I remember this same feeling last year, laying in bed, thinking about all that I'd seen and heard and the growing longing in me for a life of significance, to do something that counts. Goodness! Now, I have all of that compounded with a little guilt over what I haven't done with all that I heard a year ago!
This year, I've decided to blog about each session. It's part of that external processing thing. I'll try to brief, keep my thoughts digestible, but I make no promises.
Bill Hybels spoke during the opening session about "Leading In a New Reality." His initial illustration was about "rogue waves," a sea term describing a wave that is unexpected, unpredictable, and inexplicable. He described our current economic and cultural situation as a "rogue wave." Then, he went on to describe the character of a leader in a rogue wave situation. He says, "leaders are energized by uncharted waters, recognizing opportunity for creativity, hearing the affirming whisper of the Holy Spirit that perhaps they were called for just such a time." 5 minutes into the conference and my head was already spinning. I've always considered myself a leader, but I was really trying to figure out if this had been my response to recent unexpected challenges. Am I really charged by the thought of blazing a trail forward into the unknown with other following close behind me?
Then Hybels said, "Rogue waves draw things out of us that calm seas never will." True that. I have to admit. True that. I made the mistake once a few years ago of telling a room full of people that character is what comes out of us when we get squeezed. It lead to many funny if crude jokes. But, I standby the premise. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water." How's my gift of leadership holding up in hot water?
Hybels then proceeded to share four lessons he's learned as a leader during the last 10 months:
1. Be the church to one another no matter what. It's a philosophical decision to follow the Acts 2 model.
He asked, "Do we still believe the church is God's hope for the world?" He challenges church leaders to offer what he calls serious church because "people are not coming to church to get a mild dose of God." And I ask myself, am I leading in a way that offers people the opportunity to meet God in a powerful and life-changing way?
2. People will still give generously and sacrificially to a white hot Kingdom vision.
At this point, he spoke about Kingdom Economics and how the math rarely makes sense in God's Kingdom, but we must continue to trust Him even when revenues are down and needs are up. Am I boldly casting a God-sized vision for people to latch onto and become part of even now?
3. God does great things through people who are fully surrendered to Him.
(II Chronicles 16:9) Are we attracting and enlisting people who are fully yielded to Him? Are we mentoring people toward this end? Are we challenging those who seem to be losing this vision? He referenced Habakkuk 3:2 which basically says, "God we've heard of who you are and all you can do. Do it again! In our day! ..." Are we living as if we expect God to be and to do all He says He can and will?
4. Have an adequate replenishment strategy.
Live a sustainable life. Hybels admits that he wrote in his journal nearly 20 years ago, "The pace at which I'm doing the work of God is destroying the work of God in me." He says the best thing you bring to the table every day is a "full bucket." What do your colleagues/followers see when they look at you? He offers two suggestions for this. The first is a planned negligence strategy. Plan to say "no" more often. Second, reorder relationship. Figure out who replenishes you and who depletes you and organize your time accordingly.
See? One session is enough food for thought for at least a week. But, that was only the first hour of my day! Whew!