DOVIA Luncheon Provides Cornerstone with Networking Opportunties

The old saying "It's not what you know, it's who you know" really is true, especially when it comes to non-profits. Yesterday Directors of Volunteers in Agencies Tarrant County (DOVIA) held its monthly luncheon, proving an opportunity for training and networking for area non-profits, including Cornerstone.
What is DOVIA?
DOVIA's purpose is to promote volunteer management as a profession and provide volunteer management training. Just as well, they also strive to promote volunteerism in the Tarrant County area.
The Benefits of Membership
The benefits of membership in this type of organization for Cornerstone are quite clear. By networking with other non-profits in the area, Cornerstone can establish connections with like-minded organizations who can provide support, training and resources.
Likewise, DOVIA is an excellent resource to market current events happening at Cornerstone. By letting other members of the community know about current events at Cornerstone, we have another way to connect with the community and meet the needs of our clients.
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