Welcome Back Tarrant County Wants To Help You!

As a part of The Cornerstone Assistance Network, Welcome Back Tarrant County is always trying to help out the surrounding community. If you are an ex-offender on parole in Tarrant County, and you would like our help, then it is easy to apply for our mentored assistance program!
Just fill out the forms below and either fax them to The Cornerstone Assistance Network at: (817)-632-6001
Or, print them off and bring them in personally to The Cornerstone Assistance Network at 3500 Noble Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, 76111.
We are always looking to help others, and are ready for you to walk in any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday!
Here are the forms!
(requires Adobe Acrobat to veiw and/or download)
Mentoree Application
Release of Liability
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