GED, ELS, and Piano Classes a First Step to Independence
Those we serve have the opportunity to participate in job training, GED tutoring, English as a second language (ESL) classes, and piano classes. These classes are offered to our clients as a first step toward self-sufficiency.
GED Tutoring for Adults
Subjects taught in our GED classes vary depending on the needs of our participants. Our classes are staffed mostly by volunteers, either with a heart to serve or a teaching background. Participants in the GED program are paired with tutors to guide and offer encouragement throughout the process. Armed with their GED, our graduates are more marketable in the job field and may even choose to pursue a college degree.
Get Involved
If you would like to participate in one of these programs or give someone a hand up by teaching a class, please contact our Director of Volunteers, Kristen Horton today!
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