Open House Events Begin Tonight

The staff is busy with the last-minute preparations for our Open House. We are excited about the opportunity to share our ministry with our volunteers and donors as well as the community as a whole.
Tonight's Open House - 6:30-9 P.M.
Tonight's Open House is for our board members. A presentation and tour is planned. It will be exciting to share with our board all that is happening with Cornerstone. We are blessed with a new facility and are excited to be able to show our new facility to our friends and supporters.
"A Taste of Cornerstone"- October 9, 2009 6:30-9 P.M.
This event is especially for our volunteers and donors, without whom this ministry would not be possible. To say thank you for your support, we have a presentation and live band for you as well as free food and tours of the new facility.
This will be a fun and exciting event. If you have not already called to RSVP and would like to come, call Carolyn Ayres at (817) 632-6015 to confirm your reservation.
CAN Neighborhood Carnival - October 10, 2009 11 A.M.-4 P.M.
This event is a chance for the surrounding community to get a chance to learn about Cornerstone and have some fun at the same time.
Activities include: free food, live music, a bounce house, games, face painting, balloons.... even a clown. We will have information booths so you can learn about the different programs and services Cornerstone offers.
This event will be fun for the whole family, so we hope to see you.
As we are busy making our last-minute preparations we also want to take a minute to give thanks. We thank God for all He has done for Cornerstone so far, and pray that he blesses both these events and our ministry as a whole in the coming days. Praise God.
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