Treating the Whole Person

Recently I had an opportunity to visit two local non-profits, Mission Arlington and Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County.
The goal of the visits was to learn more about their volunteer programs so that Cornerstone can develop a comprehensive volunteer management document.

Union Gospel Mission, founded in 1988, serves the homeless through daily chapel services, community meal and assistance programs, food and shelter for homeless men, women and children, as well as spiritual development for all their residents.
Like Cornerstone, Union Gospel Mission is a holisitic ministry, working to treat the whole person, not just immediate physical needs.
Mission Arlington was founded on the idea that we should treat the areas we live just like the international mission field. Mission Arlington has set up bible studies in local communities all over Arlington. In addition to meeting the spiritual needs, they also meet physical needs as well. Their services include a dental clinic, food pantry, educational classes, job and transportation assistance. The goal is to meet immediate needs and plant seeds for Chirist.

Mission Arlington has developed a large "word-of-mouth" following among Arlington residents, so they don't do any active recruiting or advertising for their volunteers instead reyling on God to bring volunteers to them. Sounds like a pretty good approach to me. :)
I enjoyed experiencing both ministries. It is nice to learn from ministries with like-minded missions. Cornerstone's goal is to have the most comprehensive volunteer program, so working with other non-profits only makes that process easier.
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