Giving With a Purpose

We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is
prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
Romans 12:6-8
New Opportunities!
Each new day is one of excitement at
Cornerstone Assistance Network. Have you
ever heard “a picture is worth a thousand
words”? Of course you have, and it is a very true
statement. In June, seven tours were conducted
giving a total of 58 people an opportunity to see
and experience the Cornerstone vision. All 58
individuals had their eyes opened and some were
even moved to tears. New network partnerships
are being solidified and new volunteers are
pouring in to lend a hand. We are very much
looking forward to the official Cornerstone
Open House slated for October 9-10, 2009. Put
it on your calendar.
Cornerstone offers rewarding volunteer
opportunities to help enrich the lives of people
in need. By volunteering your time and talents,
you can enrich the lives of people in your
community and help them be what God has
called them to be, live more independent lives
and learn that other people care about them.
I promise that your caring efforts will bring
spiritual satisfaction and emotional peace by just
knowing that you are making a difference and
being faithful to what God tells us in scripture.
Churches, organizations and individuals are the main
ingredients that God is using to make a difference
in the lives of the homeless and those living below
the poverty guidelines. If not for each of you and
your commitment to reach outside the walls of your
church, work place or home, many of our clients
would not receive the help they need. You are making
a difference!
If you are looking for a place to use your gifts and
talents, call me for a tour of this awesome ministry that
God has provided to the people in need throughout
Tarrant County.
Some of the areas of need include:
Special Events
• Open House in October, committee
members needed
• Golf Marathon in October, sponsors,
golfers, committee members needed
• Thanksgiving & Christmas adoption of families
• Men and women in the Cornerstone
Housing and Job Readiness programs
• Keyboarding, Basic Computer, Software
GED, ESL, Afterschool tutors
for elementary children
Warehouse/ Resource Network
• Organization and sorting
Medical Clinics and Screenings
• Doctors, Nurses and Students
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