"Will You Not Be Aware of It?"

In Isaiah 43:19, the LORD says, “Behold, I will
do something new. Now it will spring
forth; will you not be aware of it? I will
even make a roadway in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert.”
I think my favorite part of that verse is the question,
“Will you not be aware of it?” So often in our lives, we
miss the excitement of the new things God is doing all
around us because we take our eyes off of Him, fixing
them instead on all of the wilderness and deserts yet to
be conquered.
This is definitely a season of new things at
Cornerstone, including our newest division, Workforce
Development. Building on the foundation of our
Christian Women’s Job Corps job readiness programs,
we are ready to begin expanding services into job
training programs and eventually job placement
opportunities for our clients. I like to tell people that
my job at Cornerstone is to connect people to jobs.
As you might imagine, that’s no small task in this
economy, but we are all so excited about the potential
for using every part of this new building as a training
facility for jobs in everything from healthcare (medical
clinic) to retail (resale shop) and logistics (warehouse)
to hospitality (kitchen).
One of the first verses I always share with our clients
is I Corinthians 15:57, “Thanks be to God who
gives us victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ,” because if I did not truly believe that we
served a way-making God capable of seeing each of
them through to victory over the wilderness and
deserts in their lives, I couldn’t continue to do this
work. But, it is such a delight to introduce so many
of them to a fresh awareness of who God is and the
new things He wants to accomplish in them and
through them.
I think our volunteers experience it, too, as
they walk alongside our clients on that journey.
As I recently told a tour group, if you have got a
desire to serve the Lord by serving others in need,
Cornerstone has a desire to help make that happen!
Are you a business owner or hiring manager? Come
talk to our clients about what you are looking for in
an employee, or help us develop a plan for training
and screening potential employees for you. Are
you a stay at home mom? Come talk to our ladies
about life skills that help make you and your family
happier and healthier. Did you start at the bottom
and work your way up in your career field? Come
talk to our clients about that process; encourage
them about the benefits of developing a strong
work ethic. Join our prayer team to receive regular
updates about our clients and how you can pray
specifically for the needs of this ministry.
A.W. Tozer said, “If we surrender our hearts to
God we may expect a wondrous enlargement.”
Offering to Him all that we are, to be used however
He sees fit, is an investment opportunity with
immeasurable returns.
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