Supportive Services and the Cornerstone Thrift Store

I am always amazed to see the many things that the Lord is doing at Cornerstone Assistance Network. In the Supportive Services Department, alongside the Cornerstone Thrift Store, we are blessed to work with many different people from all walks of life. I am continually humbled and reminded of the grace given to us all as I see the Lord at work in each of our clients lives.
Recently, I worked with a precious lady who had been released from prison only 3 days before. While in prison, she was radically saved and her life changed forever! Coming in with only the clothes on her back, we walked together through the thrift store to find a few new tops, pants, and, most importantly, a new dress for her first Sunday in church. I was humbled as this soft spoken woman, who stood no taller than 5 feet, asked if she could hold my hands and pray for the Lord’s blessing over me. I cried as I realized that she had encouraged me more than I could ever encourage her.
As we finished our shopping, she timidly asked me for one last thing: a brush. Embarrassed, she quickly ran her fingers through her hair and admitted that she had not used a brush in over three days. Excited and grateful that the Lord provided many brand new toiletry items through donations to our thrift store, I was able to quickly retrieve a brush and comb for her. She immediately ran the brush through her hair, and began to weep, wrapped her arms around me, and thanked the Lord over and over. Once again, I was humbled to see how the Lord knew that such a small item could bring so much joy to one of his beloved children. Each day, I learn something new not only from the wonderful people that I work with at Cornerstone, but also from those whom I am honored to serve.
Jenny Laing is Cornerstone’s Client Case Aid. She acts as a liaison between the Cornerstone Thrift Store, Network Partners, case managers, and clients.
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