Warm Fuzzies 6.29.11

Warm Fuzzies 6.22.11

One of our single mothers recently found a job close to her home. The job has good hours and decent pay. She is grateful to have a job that is not only so close but also willing to work with her child's schedule.
Often, God speaks to our hearts and reminds us how blessed we really are. I came to work after sitting out our recent storms in the safety of my bathroom at home. Not long after I arrived, a couple walked into Cornerstone asking for food and clothing. They are homeless and sat out those same storms in a park cooking chicken on the grill. They asked God to protect them from the storms and to keep the storms away until their meal was cooked. I felt so blessed to have met these two wonderful people who rely on God for help in all the storms of life.
We have the pleasure of serving many people who have just been released from prison. I have had several of them touch my heart with the thankfulness they show for the redemption God has given them. We all need God’s grace and need to be just as grateful for the second chance HE gives us. I am truly humbled to touch the face of God in the people we meet at Cornerstone.
I’ve had the privilege of working with one of our partner churches to minister to a couple for the past two years. There have been many ups and downs, but they have stood by them through them all. They are now living independently. Our partner church mirrors the faithfulness of God in their ministry to this couple.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
Charlotte Philips

I first heard about Cornerstone when my husband was in a Bible Study with Mike Doyle, who put us on CAN's mailing list. I decided to volunteer for Cornerstone because I saw a chance to help people. I've been a receptionist here since 2010. I answer phones and greet guests. Recently, I had the opportunity to supervise a group of volunteer teenagers working on Cornerstone's landscaping. The thing I enjoy most about volunteering at Cornerstone is the positive attitude of the people- happy energy! One thing I would say to anyone considering becoming a CAN Volunteer is that there are many ways to get involved from a little bit to a lot. God seldom sends people to your door needing your help; you have to put yourself out there where they are. Cornerstone has a constant supply of people with a variety of needs. Everyone has something to offer.
Charlotte Philips (CAN Volunteer 2010 - Present)
Harold Kimber

My wife I first heard about Cornerstone in the early 1990's from a member of the Sunday School Class I teach at the First Baptist Church of Hurst. Pat Black reported that she had been to the Cornerstone warehouse and she indicated that they could use volunteers. From the beginning, we could witness the valuable contributions Cornerstone was making to the Tarrant County community. We also assisted in moving the warehouse to Sylvania Avenue and then to East Loop 820.
Mary and I felt that we could serve others and perhaps make a difference to them in that community. From this service, we learned that the Cornerstone Community Center was collecting toys received at the warehouse to be used for their Christmas Store. After my wife retired, she and other women from our church taught English to Spanish speaking women at the Community Center for several years. After I retired, I volunteered as a weekly Bible Study teacher for homeless men and women. In recent years, this Bible Study was changed to a Bible Study for Senior Adults. I continue to teach the Bible study each Friday morning.
We especially enjoy being with the Staff, Volunteers and clients at CAN. We know that there are many places that volunteers could serve but we try to find those situations that will maximize our efforts for the Lord Jesus Christ. We feel that this is the best local place where our services would be most beneficial.
In addition to areas of ministry I have already enumerated, I also acquired a ministry through Cornerstone about three years ago. This opportunity came to me through a conversation between CAN Directors Chaplain Jerry Cabluck of WelcomeBack/Tarrant County and Director of Network Development, Jesse Vasquez. Chaplain Cabluck mentioned to Jesse that the WelcomeBack/Tarrant County program needed an reliable volunteer at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Fort Worth District Re-entry Center for ex-offenders. My service is required every Tuesday and Thursday and amounts to well over 600 hours a year, not counting my personal time through direct contact, mentoring and telephone contacts with parolees. I have subsequently been designated as the Voluntary Chaplain at that office.
God has richly blessed us through volunteering at Cornerstone Assistance Network along with our church involvement in teaching and mission work. We would recommend getting involved.
All for Jesus!
Harold Kimber (CAN Volunteer since 1994)
Lynda Swoveland

I first learned about Cornerstone from a referral from the Waco Christian Women's Job Corps executive director. When she found out we were moving to the North Richland Hills area, she told me I needed to look up Kristen Horton, who was, at the time, the site coordinator for the Cornerstone Christian Women's Job Corps. I began volunteering at Cornerstone CWJC in September 2009. I taught the Life Skills/Personal Development classes to the women. I love teaching the women - I am so blessed by their lives and their intelligence. I feel God is truly using me and my talents now to serve him. I also serve as a volunteer on the Cornerstone CWJC Advisory Council and love doing that as well. The thing I love most about volunteering at Cornerstone are the women I meet and hearing their stories and how many of them have come from very adverse backgrounds but want a better life for themselves and their families. I love sharing what God has done for me in my life and what He wants to do for them. You will be blessed if you are looking for a rewarding volunteer position by serving at Cornerstone CWJC. We desperately need Christian women who would be willing to devote an hour or so each week to mentoring our students. This is such a blessing to do this and I speak from personal experience. Call Kristen Horton for more information on volunteering. Better yet, sign up for the August 6 mentor training class at Cornerstone! Lynda Swoveland CAN Volunteer (2009 - Present)
Betty Best

I first heard about Cornerstone from my daughter, Beckie Hinze, who was volunteering in the Christian Women's Job Corps program. I chose to volunteer my time because of the scope of your ministry at CAN, especially Christian Women's Job Corps. I taught a Bible study class for CWJC, and now I volunteer each Friday at the reception desk.
In April, donations made in my honor were used to establish a legacy fund for women completing the CWJC program. I enjoy volunteering at Cornerstone because of the realization of making a difference in people's lives...and getting to know the men and women of God who serve there.
If I could say one thing to someone considering becoming a Cornerstone Volunteer, I would say, "It is a great ministry with so many different areas of service...give it a try...you will be blessed. I always get many thank-yous for doing nothing but answering the phone...you will be appreciated, no matter what you can - or can't - do!"
Betty Best, CAN Volunteer (2007- Present)
Warm Fuzzies 6.15.11

After working in a pharmacy for a number of years, one of our program participants is now studying to be a pharmacy tech. She has been encouraged by coworkers who have been impressed with her work. We are proud of the steps she is taking to further her education.
We were blessed this month to be able to assist a mom and her two children. The mom was recently in a car accident and suffered extensive bruising and other injuries, leaving her unable to work.
Things are looking up for a family of 7. The mother was able to gain an additional client through her cleaning service and her husband has also been able to find semi-consistent day labor jobs recently. He continues to apply for permanent employment, but they are making progress.
One of our ladies recognizes her need for God. At one of the home visits, she sat with her case manager for two hours asking questions regarding church, God, and the Bible. She is thirsty for truth and is diligently seeking it. She and her family have started attending church regularly. We are excited that she is searching and are praying that she will soon trust in God for her salvation.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
Warm Fuzzies 6.8.11

A single mother of four children has been in a custody battle for 3 of her kids. This has led to her running behind on rent. She has taken out loans, but they are handicapping her and draining the money she does have. Added to that, she received a notice to vacate her apartment complex. Thankfully, Cornerstone was able to help and this family was not evicted.
What a blessing that one of our HPRP clients came to Cornerstone in March. Her son caught pneumonia in April and she caught it soon after. If she hadn’t already been receiving rental assistance through CAN, they would have fallen further behind on rent and probably been evicted.
A family successfully completed the program and moved into a rent house. The wife recently lost her job, which will decrease their income by 50%. She has expressed her concern, but she and her husband desire to continue moving forward for their family's sake. Thankfully, they will be able to meet their monthly bills with budgeting techniques they learned from the program. Please pray she finds another job quickly!
A divorced mother of 1 started training in all areas of her job and has been given a lead position that includes supervising other employees. She believes that she will be eligible for the managerial program soon, and has a long-term goal to find a more stable and consistent administrative assistant or other office-type job.
We had a client come for an intake via the New Creations program. She was eligible to receive an Access Wireless phone to assist with her transition into society, having recently been released from incarceration. During the interaction, the Holy Spirit began strongly moving, significantly guiding the prayer. As ministry occurred, the tears began flowing. This client strongly sensed the love of God—it was written all over her face. These powerful moments of ministry is what Cornerstone is all about.
Warm Fuzzies 6.1.11

I spoke with a client who was experiencing severe medical issues—namely she’s recovering from surgery for cancer. As a result, she was unable to work and behind on her rent. The network partner who referred her to Cornerstone has walked with her through this very challenging season. I was very blessed to pray with her for healing and God’s provision. We were able to provide rental assistance to keep a roof over her head as God keeps arranging circumstances in her life for His ultimate glory.
Last year, we were able to help a young woman suffering from cancer by providing food and clothing for her family. She came back this month for further assistance. Her cancer had spread, and because she was expecting, wasn’t able to undergo more surgery or therapy. We were able to provide food, clothing, and baby items, and prayed for her healing and God’s comfort as she faces more surgery this month. Please join us in praying for her.
What would it be like to raise seven children on your own? I can’t imagine what one mom we have been helping goes through on a daily basis. She came to us asking for very little, though their need is great. God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves and we know it’s only through His goodness we are able to help those with material needs. We were able to give this family food, clothing, and a dryer. Beyond that, we were able to share the love of God with her and she knows He loves her because of the love we showed her in HIS name.
God sent a 22 year old woman to us to minister to. She lost her job and her husband works odd jobs to bring in what income he can. They are in desperate need of jobs and a steady source of income. More importantly, she is in need of the hope and peace that only God can give. She showed me the scar on her arm from a recent suicide attempt. We helped her find interview- appropriate clothing and provided emergency food for their family. She felt uplifted when she left, and we know it’s because we were able to minister to her as God’s hands and feet.
We received a call this month from an elderly, homebound woman that had no food in her home and no family or friends in the area that could help. We were blessed to be able to get her food, a can opener (she had been opening up cans with a knife!), and some other household items she was in desperate need of. We also set her up with some local services that could provide long-term assistance. What a tremendous opportunity for us to encourage and pray for our new friend.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!