Charlotte Philips

I first heard about Cornerstone when my husband was in a Bible Study with Mike Doyle, who put us on CAN's mailing list. I decided to volunteer for Cornerstone because I saw a chance to help people. I've been a receptionist here since 2010. I answer phones and greet guests. Recently, I had the opportunity to supervise a group of volunteer teenagers working on Cornerstone's landscaping. The thing I enjoy most about volunteering at Cornerstone is the positive attitude of the people- happy energy! One thing I would say to anyone considering becoming a CAN Volunteer is that there are many ways to get involved from a little bit to a lot. God seldom sends people to your door needing your help; you have to put yourself out there where they are. Cornerstone has a constant supply of people with a variety of needs. Everyone has something to offer.
Charlotte Philips (CAN Volunteer 2010 - Present)
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