Warm Fuzzies 6.22.11

One of our single mothers recently found a job close to her home. The job has good hours and decent pay. She is grateful to have a job that is not only so close but also willing to work with her child's schedule.
Often, God speaks to our hearts and reminds us how blessed we really are. I came to work after sitting out our recent storms in the safety of my bathroom at home. Not long after I arrived, a couple walked into Cornerstone asking for food and clothing. They are homeless and sat out those same storms in a park cooking chicken on the grill. They asked God to protect them from the storms and to keep the storms away until their meal was cooked. I felt so blessed to have met these two wonderful people who rely on God for help in all the storms of life.
We have the pleasure of serving many people who have just been released from prison. I have had several of them touch my heart with the thankfulness they show for the redemption God has given them. We all need God’s grace and need to be just as grateful for the second chance HE gives us. I am truly humbled to touch the face of God in the people we meet at Cornerstone.
I’ve had the privilege of working with one of our partner churches to minister to a couple for the past two years. There have been many ups and downs, but they have stood by them through them all. They are now living independently. Our partner church mirrors the faithfulness of God in their ministry to this couple.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
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