Warm Fuzzies 6.15.11
After working in a pharmacy for a number of years, one of our program participants is now studying to be a pharmacy tech. She has been encouraged by coworkers who have been impressed with her work. We are proud of the steps she is taking to further her education.
We were blessed this month to be able to assist a mom and her two children. The mom was recently in a car accident and suffered extensive bruising and other injuries, leaving her unable to work.
Things are looking up for a family of 7. The mother was able to gain an additional client through her cleaning service and her husband has also been able to find semi-consistent day labor jobs recently. He continues to apply for permanent employment, but they are making progress.
One of our ladies recognizes her need for God. At one of the home visits, she sat with her case manager for two hours asking questions regarding church, God, and the Bible. She is thirsty for truth and is diligently seeking it. She and her family have started attending church regularly. We are excited that she is searching and are praying that she will soon trust in God for her salvation.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
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