A Letter from Our CEO

From the August 2010 Newsletter Article
What a Blessing it is to serve the Lord with each of you. Thank you for your support that allows us to share with you stories like this: Jerry Cabluck, Director of our WelcomeBack Program, came in today and shared with me that at the Parole Office this morning a volunteer from a local church brought flowers for the ladies coming back to Tarrant County from prison. All the ladies were overwhelmed with the expression of Christ's Love coming from Christ's people. They were given lunch and an invitation to come to Cornerstone to get the help they need to re-enter the free world.
Or the lady I met in the computer lab while I was giving a tour to a new foundation. She had just graduated from the Cornerstone Christian Women's Job Corps (CCWJC). CCWJC is headed by Janet Powers and teaches women job-readiness skills. Each lady has a mentor to help them work their way back to independence. This lady was smiling from ear-to-ear as I shared with the foundation what CCWJC was all about. She spoke up and shared that she had just graduated and was starting a new job in two weeks and that she was wearing a dress that she got in The Store. She was ready to start a new life of Hope and success.
What an opportunity we have to see things like this every day. You should feel good about your part of these successes because without your faithfulness financially, through volunteering, and prayer we could not bring you these wonderful examples of our work together.
Along those lines, I want to encourage you to read about our upcoming Golf Tournament on October 4th. The format has changed to a scramble, yet we are still encouraging teams to raise money the way they did in the Marathon Format. There will be two prize pools. One for the team that raises the most money and one for the scramble team with the lowest scores. First Prize for the team that raises the most money is a suite for 20 at a 2011 Rangers Game. First Prize for the scramble is 4 round-trip tickets anywhere Southwest Airlines flies.
We are going to make this the best event of the year but we need 18 teams of 4 to commit to raising $2,500 minimum (no maximum) to support God's work here at Cornerstone. Please read the rest of the newsletter for more details or call Roddy Youree or Denice Crawford at 817.632.6000 for more information on how to enter and WIN.
Thanks again for the privilege of Serving Him Together,
Mike Doyle
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