Director Updates
Check out what our directors had to say in the Fall newsletter.
The holidays are just around the corner and it's time to start thinking about how your small group can be involved in the holiday ministries of Cornerstone! We'll be collecting food for Thanksgiving baskets and adopting out children from our housing program and local community that without assistance, will not have anything under their Christmas tree. Be looking for more information on our website and Facebook or contact Taryn or Jesse (see contact information below) for more information.

Philip Posey
Director, Cornerstone Housing Development Corporation

Philip Posey
Director, Cornerstone Housing Development Corporation
We are very excited to announce that we are moving closer to building our first three homes for low-income families. Our house plans have been completed and approved. We have signed a commitment letter with the City of Fort Worth and hope to begin building by October 1, 2010. Please continue to pray that God would prepare the way. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it," Psalms 127:1.
817.632.6000 ext. 106

Kristen Horton
Director of Volunteers
You said it! When asked, "What is the best part about volunteering at Cornerstone?" you told us:
Jesse Vasquez
Director, Community Services
Cornerstone partnered with Riverside Baptist Church, using space to have our annual Fine Arts Camp (funded by the Bernau Foundation), as well as Vacation Bible School for the children in the community.
Cornerstone food pantry is now receiving food from Tarrant Area Food Bank at the Noble location, allowing us to provide food for more families in the community. Please call Jesse or Kristen (see contact information below) to find out how you can volunteer at the Food Bank on behalf of Cornerstone.

Jerry Cabluck
Director of WelcomeBack/Tarrant
817.632.6000 ext. 106
WelcomeBack program appears to be for mid-year projections. We have seen 1363 men and women returning from prison, distributing more than 2400 items of clothing and helping over 439 additional family members. Many of those returning have their high school diploma or GED, but we are helping over 45 men and women with classes to prepare for the GED test. Have you ever seen a woman that was just released from prison cry upon receiving flowers at parole? Volunteer Ray Coleman has a unique ministry- he gives out flowers to the returning women. Something we men, including me, seldom think about. Humbling to say the least!!

Kristen Horton
Director of Volunteers
You said it! When asked, "What is the best part about volunteering at Cornerstone?" you told us:
- "Knowing you are helping a program that does so much good for others."
- "You meet some really great people."
- "It feels like you are part of a family, God's family!"
- "Hearing from those that I have helped that I have made an impact."
- "The smiles and friendly people that work there are real. Everyone believes in what they do."
- "I get an absolutely wonderful sense of fulfillment when a woman changes her spiritual or professional life and I know I had a tiny part in it."
- "Doing something that pleases the Lord."
- "Treasure in heaven!"
In the first half of 2010, over 300 volunteers donated nearly 5,000 hours of service to people in need through Cornerstone Assistance Network. We hope you will answer the call to join them this Fall. Please contact Kristen at 817.632.6022 or for more information about current volunteer opportunities.
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