We were blessed to serve a single mother by helping to provide her children with clothing to start off the new school year with! She has been visiting one of our partner churches for the past few Sundays and has expressed how suprised she is by how loving and sincere all of the members are. She has never before felt the love of God as much as she does there. It is truly awesome to see how God works in people's lives!
One of our clients is currently living in a park with her dogs. She came to us for assistance over six months ago, and we helped her by providing some necessary items. At first glance, it would appear that she is worse off now than she was before. However, that is not the case. By God's grace she has put a life of prostitution behind her and is now following a path that the Lord has shown her.
All of these stories come straight from our case managers. To God be all the glory for the great work that happens everyday at Cornerstone!
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It is always exciting to see the success of our participants' children. One of our single mothers is proud to announce that she now has two high school graduates attending college. This mother has been a source of inspiration and motivation to both of her children. It is awesome to watch her teach her children perseverance through life's difficulties.
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A father of two entered the program this month. He is interested in going back to school and is already working with another faith-based agency to help him improve his relationship with his children. Though he is overwhelmed with so many responsibilities, he is hopefully beginning to see that he has some folks willing to help!
A woman lost her adult son in the middle of June. With the funeral expenses and missing work for almost two weeks, she was behind on rent. We were able to help her with one month of her rent to prevent her from being evicted. This was a chance for Cornerstone to meet the needs of someone who was in a season of grief over the loss of a loved one.
8:23 PM |
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