Warm Fuzzies 7.6.11

One of our female clients was on the brink of eviction. She had been laid off and the bills were piling up. When she went to court, the judge ruled in her favor. Cornerstone was able to help give her a second chance through HPRP, giving her hope for the future. Praise God for the second chances He gives us and the hope He provides!
One of our ladies completed the Homeless Prevention Program in May. She left the program in a much better place than when she started. She now has a sustainable job and a much better relationship with her landlord. She exited the program a prepared, self-sufficient woman.
Not long ago, a beautiful five year old girl came into my office with her dad and sister. While we were busy starting the meeting, she quietly walked over to a poster on my wall. The poster summarizes the Bible in fifty words. She began to read, and it was so powerful we paused to listen: God Made, Adam Bit, Noah Arked, Adam Split, Joseph Ruled, Jacob Fooled, Bush Talked, Moses Balked, Pharaoh Plagued, People Walked, Sea Divided, Tablets Guided, Promise Landed, Saul Freaked, David Peaked, Prophets Warned---Jesus Born, God Walked, Love Talked, Anger Crucified, Hope Died, Love Rose, Spirit Flamed, Word Spread and GOD REMAINED.
Each Warm Fuzzies post is a compilation straight from our case managers, telling the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
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