What's going on at CAN with volunteers?

Has God given you a heart to serve others? Are you looking for a place to plug into ministries
designed to help people in need? Do you want to use your gifts, talents, knowledge, and experience to bless others?
Cornerstone Assistance Network may have just the place for you! In 2010, we saw over 700 individual volunteers provide over 10,000 hours of volunteer service throughout our ministries. In 2011, we hope to exceed those numbers significantly as we see more and more men and women following God’s call on their lives to build His Kingdom on earth by serving others.
Please take time to check out the volunteer page and prayerfully consider whether the Lord is calling you to fill one of these needs. For more information about ways volunteers are making a difference at Cornerstone or to schedule a tour of our facilities for yourself, your family, or your small group, please contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Kristen Horton
Director of Volunteers
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