What God Has Done

Spring 2011 Newsletter
20 YEARS!!!!!!!!! That is right; God is starting His 20th year of ministry through Cornerstone Assistance Network. I will start my 20th year on April 1, 2011. I am positive I never thought I would be writing to you mentioning starting year 20. I remember asking God (and Kay) on April 1, 1992, what do I do now? Cornerstone was brand new thanks to the vision of North Richland Hills Baptist Church (NRHBC). NRHBC put $30,000 in their budget to start Cornerstone as a separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation beginning in 1992. That first year started without an office, assets, employees, or recognition, but with a $30,000 budget, and 5 clients. BUT GOD had bigger plans.
In 2011:
- We office in 50,000 square feet of beautiful office space that houses our programs, clients, cars, and trucks,
- We have a $2.3 million dollar annual budget, and a small endowment,
- 21 full-time and 9 part-time employees, yet maintain 9% administrative costs and never having had an audit finding,
- We are nationally recognized as one of the five most effective Faith Based Intermediaries in the United States (study by The Hudson Institute),
- In 2010, we served 4,479 new clients, with 47,484 units of service and were helped by 768 individual volunteers who provided 10,350 hours of their time, valued at $212,698 (based on the per hour amount allowed by the IRS.)
Serving Him Together,
Mike Doyle
CEO of Cornerstone
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