Warm Fuzzies 8

Each "Warm Fuzzies" post is a compilation straight from our case managers of the amazing things God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be the glory!
One of our ladies is a new Christian. She and her family all were saved in one of our partner churches. They were led to Christ from participating in their bus ministry. The joy of her new found faith is written all over her face. She is a new creation!! And she loves to tell the story of Jesus and his love. We were honored to help her with food and items for her baby.
Another of our ladies had been out of prison for a month when she was sent to Cornerstone. She is trying to trust in God and continue to walk in "The Light." She is alone and afraid. We were able to give her clothes and food to meet her physical needs. More importantly, we were able to welcome her to our women's re-entry program, New Creations, for the nurturing she needs at this critical time in her life.
My heart went out to this young mother of a precious four year old. The little girl was in a stroller and slept peacefully during the entire interview. She is living in a shelter and trying to get the hand up she needs to raise her daughter. All she asked for were a few clothes to wear to look for work. We were able to encourage her with the love God has for her by meeting these needs.
Our clients face many battles each day. Many of our clients are ill-equipped to face spiritual battles and it is imperative that they come to reconcile their lives with the plan God has for them. Some of our clients are strong believers while others are involved in other religions or cults. Please pray for our clients and all of our case managers as we commit ourselves to spreading the love, truth, and saving knowledge of Christ while seeking to meet many of their physical and emotional needs.
A single mother found employment that has the potential to allow her to receive full benefits and full-time hours in the near future. She is still in need of reliable transportation as her truck continues to give her trouble. She has been finding comfort in reading the Bible and attending church.
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