Cornerstone Lately...3.18.11

God is working like crazy in and through Cornerstone, so we want to fill you in on some of the highlights on a more regular basis. We’ll separate them out by department and link them to our website so you can find out more about that department if you’d like.
New Creations We posted a short interview on Facebook this week to introduce Coyletta Govan. Coyletta is the Women's Reentry Housing Director for New Creations and we are excited to have her on board! Trinity Place is now New Creations Promise House! Click here to read about the transition and here to see pictures of the move.
We have been blessed by a generous donor with a huge shipment of appliances that we'll be picking up this week! (Follow us on Facebook or on Twitter @CANThrift to hear about the great sale that will follow...)
Volunteer The past two weeks have been busy with extra volunteer opportunities- for example, our regular weekly receptionist positions are all filled (PTL!) but we are looking for several volunteers willing to fill in when our regulars go on vacation. Want to help out? Please contact Kristen at
"Like" Cornerstone Assistance Network on Facebook to be sure you're not missing any updates like this one in between our monthly Volunteer e-Newsletters (click here to sign up). We also want to thank Travis and Jill Pipkin, who have generously volunteered their time and expertise to create a database for us! They officially released the 1.0 version on March 4th and are going above and beyond to help us consistently track and report data. We can't thank them enough!
CCWJC Our current class is halfway through! We are proud of you, ladies! Keep up the great work. To see pictures, visit the CCWJC Facebook page and to learn more about the program, visit their page on our website.
Supportive Services We received some Warm Fuzzies Feedback (to read some of the amazing things God's been doing in the lives of those we're privileged to serve, visit our blog's homepage and click on a "Fuzzies" post) last week from a CAN supporter who posts the current edition in his office cube and chats with his co-workers about CAN. It made our day! It's exciting to see others getting excited about what's going on at CAN and helping us spreading the word.
Praise! A client of ours, a single mom with 2 small kids got a raise and will be able to support her family now.
We love success stories and can't resist sharing one more with you. One of our ladies exited her program successfully this week. She completed CCWJC and 1 semester of college during her time with us.
WelcomeBack/Tarrant County Every parolee must attend an orientation as part of the reentry process. Ten percent of attendees are women, and Jerry Cabluck, Director of WB/TC, saw the need for women parolees to attend an orientation led by and attended only by women. He began praying for women who would step up to meet with these women returning to Tarrant County. Now, a year later, that prayer is very close to becoming a reality and should happen within the next few weeks!
Community Services We sent out our first Network Partner e-Newsletter last week. Want more information on becoming a Network Partner of Cornerstone? Click here.
Medical Clinic Cornerstone's Medical Clinic continues with its development. The Vision Clinic has received two key pieces of equipment. In the near future, CAN will be the only facility to offer free cataract procedures for uninsured patients. Click here to see pictures.
Housing/Housing Development Corporation Trinity House is transitioning to New Creations Promise House, a Christ-centered women's discipleship home. Click here to read about the transition.
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