It is always exciting to see the success of our participants' children. One of our single mothers is proud to announce that she now has two high school graduates attending college. This mother has been a source of inspiration and motivation to both of her children. It is awesome to watch her teach her children perseverance through life's difficulties.

Warm Fuzzies 7.26.11
After completing two years in the Cornerstone Comprehensive Care Program, a single mother of three is now able to financially support her family. She is excited about her success and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family self sufficient. With tears of gratitude, she said, "I don't know what we would have done if it were not for Cornerstone." We are looking forward to hearing all that God is going to do in and through her life!
Excited about finishing his last semester of Junior college, one of our program participants is now making plans to attend a four year university.
These Warm Fuzzies posts come directly from our case managers, who relay the awesome work God is doing at Cornerstone in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
Cold Fuzzies 7.13.11

A father of one exits the program next month. He has had the opportunity to explore career options and go back to school while in the program. Please keep praying for his salvation.
A single mother went back to work for the first time in several years. She is diligent about saving and excited to be able to provide for her family.
One of our single moms has decided she would like to become a home owner in the future. She has begun to gather the information she needs in order to learn more about home buying and other financial issues. She has also started working harder to make sure she benefits and grows from her experience in this transitional housing program. She is meeting bi-weekly with her case manager and working on many areas of her life that she did not think she was ready to handle at this point. She has started attending topical classes at Gateway and enjoys what she’s learning. Although she has not made the decision to follow Christ yet, she is beginning to understand the value Christ may have in her life.
A single mother of two decided to exit the program early. She believes she will be able to maintain her expenses without our assistance. This mom is maintaining her full-time employment while looking for another job with greater pay.
God sent us a special man to minister to. He had just been released from jail and was looking for another place but found Cornerstone instead. He met with Jerry from our Welcome Back program and we were able to give him the cell phone he needed to look for work. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Praise God.
Each "Fuzzies" post is a compilation straight from our case managers about the amazing things God is doing in the lives of those we are privileged to serve. To God be all the glory!
PS We hope "Cold" Fuzzies make you feel better on this long stretch of 100+ degree days!
A Quick Look: New Creations

The New Creations team is growing through the grace of God! We have finished the remodel at The Promise House and it truly is a house full of God’s promises. The army of the Lord came together to help transform the home and through faithful volunteers, the women are being transformed as well. Lives are truly being changed. The New Creations reentry mentoring program at Dawson State Jail is well under way and the team of faithful mentors is growing, but we need many more. If you feel led to provide life-on-life support to a woman being released from prison back to Tarrant County, please let us know. We could sure use you! Our first ladies from Dawson will release in the fall. We praise God for the faithful mentors serving them and eager to love them and serve them after release. We invite you to join our team. Your life will never be the same after you’ve been blessed by serving in prisoner reentry.
For more information on these and other programs, please visit our website.
Kelly Purselley, New Creations Reentry Mentoring Director
A Quick Look: The New Life Center

We have seen several clients making great strides this year at the New Life Center. One graduated with his Associate’s Degree from TCC and two are making plans to transfer to UTA in the fall. By August, we anticipate a college or job training attendance of over 0%. We are also excited about the new mentor training offered through Cornerstone. We look forward to new mentorships at the New Life Center that we are praying give our residents encouragement and hope to excel in every area of their lives.
Mark Boerger, New Life Center