Fall 2010 Newsletter: Update from Director of WB/TC

Jerry Cabluck
Director of WelcomeBack/Tarrant CountyKingdom ministry is an area that Cornerstone strives for all to experience. We have seen a wonderful example of this kind of ministry in the lives of Laura, a parole officer, and her husband, Ronald. One of Laura's parolees was a mom with five children, including newborn twin boys. Knowing the struggle it would be to raise these children, she reached out for help. Laura and her husband have now adopted the twins, giving them a home filled with Christian love, acceptance, attention, and guidance. What a beautiful picture of God's kind of love!
WelcomeBack/Tarrant County had the privilege of hosting a baby shower for the new parents, another link in the ministry of the Kingdom. (WelcomeBack is currently on target to see a projected 2400 men and women during 2010. As we look forward to the winter holiday season, we are always in need of men's coats.)
WelcomeBack/Tarrant County had the privilege of hosting a baby shower for the new parents, another link in the ministry of the Kingdom. (WelcomeBack is currently on target to see a projected 2400 men and women during 2010. As we look forward to the winter holiday season, we are always in need of men's coats.)
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