TCU LEAPS to Visit Cornerstone

Tomorrow TCU LEAPS will welcome a group of TCU LEAPS students to Cornerstone. Cornerstone is excited to extend a partnership with TCU and show the next generation of students this ministry.
What is LEAPS?
TCU LEAPS is a campus-wide community service event at TCU. Students, faculty and staff all participate in this event. Service sites in the Tarrant County area like Cornerstone register with short projects that can be completed with a group of 10-15 people.
The goal is to have a great impact on the community in a single day.
Why would Cornerstone decide to take advantage of TCU LEAPS? For one thing, Cornerstone wants to show students like those at TCU what this ministry is all about in the hopes that they become as passionate about Cornerstone as we are.
TCU students have a history of giving back to the community and having a heart for service, so we are excited to expose them to our mission and ministry.
Secondly, LEAPS serves as an excellent opportunity to use volunteers in high capacity ways. CAN is always in need of volunteers, but LEAPS provides an opportunity to use bright, service-minded college students who want to be put to good use. We value that.
What will LEAPS be Doing at CAN?
LEAPS is designed for short-term, one-day projects. To that end, CAN has established some painting and landscaping projects for our volunteers to do. Led and supervised by our Director of Community Services, Jesse Vasquez, this will help CAN to become the pillar of the community it aims to become.
For more on the LEAPS program, click here.
7:11 AM |
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2010 Birdies for Charity Program
Using the magnitude of the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial to expand fundraising capability
For the 5th straight year, Cornerstone is proud to be a part of the Birdies for Charity Program, a fundraising initiative in partnership with 30 local charities, sponsored by the Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial.
What is Birdies for Charity?
The concept behind Birdies for Charity is simple: charitable organizations like Cornerstone solicit pledges for every "birdie" made during the 2010 Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial.
If you are familiar with the game of golf, you know that this creates a tremendous amount of fundraising potential for local charities.
The Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial has produced a marketing brochure that explains the concept of Birdies in great detail, the Crowne Plaza tie-in, as well as action steps you can take to donate to your favorite charity. This brochure doubles as a pledge card for anyone interested in making a donation.
Matching Funds
One of the tremendous benefits of being part of the Birdies for Charity program is the Crowne Plaza Invitational's pledge to match a percentage collected by each participating charity.
The match includes:
How can I Donate?
Our partnership with the Crowne Plaza Invitational has made donating to Cornerstone simple. Just click the Birdies for Charity logo below and you will be taken directly to the Crowne Plaza Invitational's Birdies for Charity site. Fill out your contact information and proceed to Cornerstone's Birdies for Charity page. You also will have the option of selecting any of the 30 Tarrant County charities that are participating in the 2010 Birdies for Charity Program.

What is Birdies for Charity?
The concept behind Birdies for Charity is simple: charitable organizations like Cornerstone solicit pledges for every "birdie" made during the 2010 Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial.
If you are familiar with the game of golf, you know that this creates a tremendous amount of fundraising potential for local charities.
The Crowne Plaza Invitational at Colonial has produced a marketing brochure that explains the concept of Birdies in great detail, the Crowne Plaza tie-in, as well as action steps you can take to donate to your favorite charity. This brochure doubles as a pledge card for anyone interested in making a donation.
Matching Funds
One of the tremendous benefits of being part of the Birdies for Charity program is the Crowne Plaza Invitational's pledge to match a percentage collected by each participating charity.
The match includes:
- 15% on the first $20,000 raised - or up to $3,000 additional
- 10% match on the next $20,000 raised - or up to $2,000 additional
- >$40,000 - Anything over $40,000 receives a prorated match based on the remaining uncommitted funds in matching fund.
How can I Donate?
Our partnership with the Crowne Plaza Invitational has made donating to Cornerstone simple. Just click the Birdies for Charity logo below and you will be taken directly to the Crowne Plaza Invitational's Birdies for Charity site. Fill out your contact information and proceed to Cornerstone's Birdies for Charity page. You also will have the option of selecting any of the 30 Tarrant County charities that are participating in the 2010 Birdies for Charity Program.

7:54 AM |
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AmeriCorps VISTA

Are You Looking for Your Next Big Adventure?If you have ever asked yourself "What can I do for my community?" AmeriCorps VISTA may be the answer! AmeriCorps VISTA is a U.S. federal government program which focuses on eliminating poverty by helping non-profits better assist the communities they serve.
VISTA Requirements/Benefits
A commitment to service for VISTA is full-time for one year, and the benefits are amazing! Not only will you make a big impact on the community you serve, but upon completion of a year of service you will receive either a cash award or an education award. The education award can be used one of two ways: to further your education or pay off student loans. You will also receive a monthly stipend as a VISTA.
Anyone considering an AmeriCorps VISTA position should research the program fully before applying to ensure they understand what it takes to serve as a VISTA. To learn more about AmeriCorps VISTA, visit
11:09 AM |
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