The Day I "Got" Cornerstone
It seems I get more out of it each time than I give. Volunteering is funny that way. Give a little and you get a lot back. One of the days I volunteered I got the privilege of visiting the Welcome Back/Tarrant County program, a ministry for prisoners just about to be released from prison.
I'll be honest, I was nervous. But Carolyn suggested I take the opportunity to learn a little about one of Cornestone's programs. Such knowledge is helpful if I am going to communicate to effectively to potential volunteers.
So I went.
We have certain stereotypes of prisoners and ex-cons. Much of that comes from Hollywood I'd imagine. Turned out, almost none of what I thought would be true, was true.
That said, not many of them looked like me, but that I was prepared for. Tattoos were the norm, but I've learned enough in my life not to judge someone by skin color or tattoo markings. What I wasn't prepared for was the incredible witness this ministry is to prisoners about to enter the real world again after their incarceration. The day I was there, five former inmates got up and spoke. All have have steady jobs. All have homes or apartments of their own. All have family or church support systems. All have accepted Christ.
There stories of sacrifice and really hard work were a lesson to me, even though I have never been to prison. They made a choice to completely walk away from their former life. If that's not a walking advertisement for Cornerstone I don't know what is.
That was the day I really understood what this ministry was all about. The goal, plain and simple is to change lives. In each ministry offered here at Cornerstone, the goal is to have our clients walk away self-sufficient and changed for the better.
Praise God.
Until next time,
Back from Training, First Day as a Vista!

I'm a graduate of Texas Christian University here in Fort Worth. I've always had a passion for service and AmeriCorps mission was very attractive to me.
I spent last week in Albuquerque, NM for PSO training, the training given to all Vista's before being sworn in and officially going to their sites. The experience only affirmed that I have made the right decision for myself in becoming a Vista. I met Vistas from all over the country, many of whom I did not look like or agree with on a range of issues.
But you know what? That didn't matter. The only thing that really mattered was that we all had a common purpose, a dedication to improving our communities and the lives of the people we would come in contact with, and a larger goal of lessening the effect poverty has on America today.
Lofty goals to be sure. But in my book, if one homeless person ends up getting his GED or becomes self-sufficient because of what Cornerstone does, it's a success. Over the next few weeks I'm going to make the effort to visit with as many CAN employees as possible, that way I can learn the organization and better convey to volunteers the goals of the organization and reasons why everyone here is so passionate about what they do.
Until next time,
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Want to connect with Cornerstone to meet the needs of people?
- To volunteer, contact Kristen Horton, Director of Volunteers.
- If you would like to donate, visit our website to make a tax-deductible donation with the click of a button.
- You can also send a check to:
3500 Noble Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Get Involved!

Cornerstone is looking for people to partner with us in meeting people's needs!
If you feel God leading you to join the work He is doing in and through Cornerstone, you can:
Pray for us.
Volunteer with us.
"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Volunteering with Cornerstone is a rewarding experience and fulfills God's call to show others love through meeting their needs. As a volunteer, you will take an active role in changing a person's life for the better. We place volunteers based on their experience, talents and interests.
Do you have a heart for prisoners? Counsel individuals in our prisoner re-entry ministry, Welcome Back/Tarrant County.
Do you have a passion for education? Volunteer to teach a GED class.
Do you have a medical background? Administer basic medical care to those that do not have insurance.
Whoever you are, whatever your expertise, Cornerstone has a place for you. For a complete list of our current volunteer opportunities, look under the CAN Volunteer Needs Tab. Contact us today and help change a life! Who knows, it might even change yours.
For more information, please contact Kristen Horton, Director of Volunteers for details.
Partner with us.
Cornerstone is actively seeking new network partners. If you are a Fort Worth area church, business, or community organization and desire to serve those in need, we want to hear from you!
Contact Us: Staff Directory
Note: If the person you wish to contact is not listed, please visit our website for complete staff listings.
Cornerstone Assistance Network Headquarters (New Address)
3500 Noble Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Phone: (817) 632-6000
Fax: (817) 632-6001
Staff Directory
Mike Doyle
Chief Executive Officer
Roddy Youree
Chief Operating Officer
Kay Doyle
Director of Administration
Philip Posey
Director of Housing/Housing Development Corporation
Jesse Vasquez
Director of Community Services
Taryn Freeze
Director of Support Services
Kristen Horton
Director of Workforce Development
Jerry Cabluck
Director of Welcome Back/Tarrant County
Kelly Purselley
Director of New Creations
About Us
Cornerstone Assistance Network was founded in 1992 to meet the needs and restore the hope of individuals and families struggling under the burden of poverty in Tarrant County, Texas.
Each year, Cornerstone networks with hundreds of churches, organizations, businesses, and government agencies to ensure that the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of those we serve are met.
Cornerstone programs and services include...
- Emergency food, clothing, and furniture;
- Medical, educational, and job readiness programs;
- Community re-entry services for ex-offenders;
- Housing including transitional, permanent, and home-ownership opportunities.
Finding effective, long-term remedies to complicated social problems such as poverty and homelessness is certainly no easy task. Your support truly makes a difference. If you would like to volunteer or support Cornerstone financially, please call our office at 817.632.6000.
To find out more about our services, visit our new website at